About Mary Immaculate Parish
In 2005 the Diocese of Buffalo began a new restructuring program called Journey in Faith and Grace as a way to address the shortage of priests within the diocese. The diocesan recommendation for Immaculate Conception and St. Mary’s was that they initially be linked, sharing a Pastor. Once the linking took place, it was recommended that the parishes work towards a merger.
In December of 2007 Father Richard Cilano was appointed Pastor of the two churches. The congregations began to work together on projects, attend Mass at each other’s sites, and conduct some joint activities and classes.
On August 15, 2010, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the two parishes officially merged, becoming the parish of Mary Immaculate. A Unity Mass and picnic were held with Bishop Kmiec presiding at the Mass.
History of St. Mary's Church, Mary Immaculate Pavilion
History of Immaculate Conception Church, Mary Immaculate East Bethany
Unity Weekend Pictures